Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Potty training

Well, I am starting to see the promise land. I started potty training our youngest son, Noah, two days ago. So far it's been going pretty well. In the two days, we have only had to change one poopy diaper. We are starting to hit a wall though. The newness is wearing off a bit for Noah & he is now not so interested in being inconvenienced. It's hard to stop playing just to go to the bathroom. :-) And it's still so new that I'm asking him to go to the bathroom ever 20 minutes or so. 

There is nothing like potty training to make me feel like I suck at this parenting thing. 

It is pretty cute though when all the kids are lined up to go potty before bed. You can see pride beaming off of Noah's face that he is a big boy now. And when he's finished he declares, ' I'm done. Roz it's your turn now. ' How cute! 


  1. Good job potty training... Joe's a lost cause. He'll be 10 by the time he's using the toilet. he just doesn't care. lol

  2. :-) Well, there's no point in wasting your time & energy (& sanity) if they aren't ready yet...really. So, I say - expect he won't use the toilet til he's 10...then if it's any time before that - you will feel like you have kicked ass! :-)
