Thursday, January 29, 2009

On the phone

What is it about talking on the phone, that makes children turn into little crazys? It's like clockwork at our house...I answer the phone & my kids instantly start fighting or have to talk to me RIGHT now or start bleeding. I mean, come on...can't you wait 5 more minutes to hurt yourself? (kidding)

Seriously though, I can't tell you how many times I end up locking myself in the bathroom, or am in the office - bracing the door closed, just to finish a conversation. :-) It's like a sixth sense that kids all have. Even now, I decided to call a friend really quickly while the kids are upstairs playing & just as the phone is ringing, I hear the pitter patter of little people coming down stairs to ask mom a really important question. How do they do that? 

It's either the interrupting thing, or it's the mischievous's like they know, 'mom's on the phone - let's get into stuff'. 10 minutes ago, while I was on the phone, I turn around & see Roz on her tip toes desperately trying to reach the thing that I told her was off limits just 2 minutes before. Well, let me tell's never dull around here. Call me, and you'll hear all about it :-)

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