Monday, January 26, 2009

Random things

There are things that we, as parents, say to our children all the time that we would not even consider saying to another adult. To get the full level of funny - read each of these thinking you are saying them to an adult. The following is a list of a few of those things (in no particular order):

Did you finish your food? No more talking until you eat more of your food. No, I said talking. EAT! (can you imagine saying this to an adult? HA!) 

No, no, no...farts are from your butt and burps are from your mouth. 

Where did you put your booger? I saw you picking your nose a second ago...don't act like you didn't. I know better than that, so where did you put it? (please GOD don't say you ate it)

Please don't lick me. I want you to kiss me, not lick me.

Did you flush the toilet? (quickly followed by) Did you wash your hands with soap & water? 

Please get your hands out of my I'm going to have to dump it all out, because Lord only knows where your hands have been.

Woo hoo - looks at those cute buns! (okay, maybe you would say that to an adult, but if it were to anyone other than my spouse - I would have to be pretty drunk!) 


  1. Lol! This is so true.
    While I was home, I got to remember that life.
    I constantly found myself embroiled in, "You have to wear pants downstairs" and other potty discussions.

  2. So true and Funny, Nicole. I laughed imagining saying such things to adults,
