Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why I named my blog Things Only Parents Say

So, I LOVE Bill Cosby. I love his humor from way back all the way through to today! We all repeat his jokes around our house all the time too! 

One of the things he said is how we as parents will say these ridiculous things in the heat of the moment with our kids. In the car, when they are going crazy 'he's touching me', 'stop touching me', 'she touched me first', etc... And we as the parents declare, 'there will be NO touching of anyone or by anyone in this car ever again!' It makes me laugh just thinking about it. And I have made these very same declarations in my car and house! It's when these kinds of things come out of your mouth, that you then stop & smile at the ridiculousness. Ahh, parenthood! These are the things that only parents say...

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