Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Potty Training continued and other things

Well, we are now entering the bribing/light threatening stage of potty training. Noah is fully aware of how much of an inconvenience it is to go to the bathroom and is tired of it. So, it's either ''if you go potty, then you can watch that cartoon. If not - then no" or "I'll make you hot cocoa if you go potty...don't you want hot cocoa?" Thankfully it's not ALL day that I have to do this, but definitely a couple times a day for sure...oi! It's worth it, it's worth it, it's worth it. (I have to repeat this to myself to keep it up) 

On another note: Jehu had to go to the dentist yesterday to get a baby tooth pulled, because it wasn't falling out fast enough & they didn't want it to mess up his adult teeth coming through. Everything went fine, but he was funny after he got home. He wasn't loopy or anything, but his face was numb on one side. He started feeling his face & said "what is up with this mom? My lips and cheek feel so weird! They are SO squishy." I laughed and asked him "can you feel on your cheek that you are touching them, or only through your fingers?" His eyes got wide & he said in amazement "oh my gosh - it's only through my fingers! This is so cool (pause) and totally weird!" as he keeps squishing his cheek & lips. About a half an hour later he informed me that he did not like it anymore, and had a panic-y sound to his voice. He said that his face was started to feel 'pokey and hurting' and he didn't like it...then he teared up asking if it was going to be like that forever. It was so stinkin' cute! I explained about the numbing stuff wearing off, and that it would feel better once it did. Later at dinner, he said 'Well, my face is back to normal, but (insert dramatic tone) I miss that tooth. I realized that I used that tooth to scratch my lip when it itches, and now it's gone." ;-) Too funny! 


  1. lol - was he like this??


  2. not quite, but that video is hillarious! Jehu wasn't loopy or high like that kid, but it DID remind me of it in some small ways...too funny!
