Sunday, February 8, 2009

SAHM confession

I am so glad that I get to stay at home with my kids! It is such a blessing not to have to take sick days off of work because of my sick kids...or way worse than that - to feel completely torn between work & sick little ones. That was one of my least favorite things about working and having little ones. I enjoy my slower pace at home. I get to drink my coffee and get Jehu off to school and stay in my sweat pants all morning if I want to. My house is able to be cleaned more regularly (and gets messy more regularly). I long for the spring now, so we can go to the park & let the kids play outside for hours at a time, and I can do that because I am a stay at home mom. I love that.

And it's hard sometimes too. It's hard to feel like a functioning part of society. I have come to dread the question of 'What's new?' because so often I can't think of a darn thing. Especially with me - it's always with Aaron or the kids, but with me?? NOTHING! Same old same, cleaning, laundering, keeping kids alive, nearly loosing my mind, wondering if I have a mind...take your pick - sometimes, that's all I've got. :-) 

It seems to be a season where people aren't as available to get together now too, so it's been months since I've had a girl's night out (truly and sadly). My friends are either in a seriously bad way financially, or pregnant, or overwhelmed with life, or their ideas of a girl's night out is going to a dance club - which is fine, but not really my thing. 

I am pretty good about planning play dates in the week - at least one every week, and having people over for dinner or a party, which is good. But sometimes I feel like I am going to lose my mind in these same 4 walls. 

I just made out a schedule for me, so I'm hoping that will help. I have also realized that I need to be reading helps me feel like my brain is working, and is a good way to escape and relax. Listening to worship music helps too. Then I have been exercising which has helped too - getting out to the gym (even if it is at 8pm) and exerting myself has helped a lot! The play dates are a must too. I think a lot of this venting has to do with a bit of cabin fever. I really need spring to come soon! Calgon take me away!

And yet, I am grateful. Sometimes I feel guilty for feeling like it's hard...this is what I asked for. So stupid, I know. 


  1. Every SAHM feels the same way. On one hand it's nice to spend so much time with the kids... but on the other hand I hate spending time with them. lol. I am keeping my eye on the future - it's only 4 years before Molly goes to kindergarden... but by then who knows how many more kids we'll have. lol. I'm looking forward to seeing you on Thursday!!!

  2. Well, at least we're not alone, right?! I am SO excited to see you on Thursday..woo hoo!

  3. A lot of stages in life have parts that aren't that exciting, even if they are worthwhile. Even at school, I often have to say, "Nothing is new. Lots of homework."
    BTW I love your blog. :)

  4. Very true Colleen - thanks! Kind of a universal plight I suppose :-)
