Friday, October 22, 2010

A Rant...

Am I missing something? I see all of these weight loss commercials where people declare that they lost 35 or 50 pounds and went from a size 18 to a 6. Who are these people? I mean seriously, are they all 4 feet tall? Is THAT the deal? Because I have personally lost 55 pounds (whoop whoop) and went from a size 18 to a 14/12 depending on the item.

Now, I am not complaining about my own weight loss. I have worked really hard for it and I am thrilled to be where I am now. I also am focusing on being healthy and making good choices for me – knowing that my body will come to a place of healthy for me. AND it’s not likely that it will ever be a single digit size. Momma just aint made that way. ;-)

(Warning: Rabbit trail coming at ya) In FACT, my mom had gastric bypass done years ago and her ending and healthy weight is between 175 & 185. She is a bit taller than I am (granted) but I think we are densely weighted as a people. Exercise will always have to be a part of my life. It is really easy for me to gain weight, but the losing of weight – no so much. Hence, the acceptance of my truth – exercise cannot be optional for me.

(Back to the rant) All of that being said, what the hell?! Either, the commercials are crap, the people being featured are all little people, or they literally carried every stitch of extra weight in their stomachs alone. There have even been a few ads that claim even more dramatic differences like ‘I lost 35 lbs and went from a size 24 to a 4’. WHAT-EVER! And I can’t help but give the TV the finger at that point. I mean SERIOUSLY!

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