Tuesday, December 14, 2010

You know when...

You're pregnant and you start noticing all the other preggers in the world (and babies and kids, etc, etc)?! Well, lately I swear that all I see are cosmetologists (and great haircuts and color, etc, etc). AND it's like I draw them to me. I was even at the gym today & 2 gals came up to me complimenting my hair. :-) One of them was (of course) a cosmetlogist. I told them that I knew one of them HAD to be...their hair was WAY too perfect for an exercise class.

Isn't that SO weird how that happens in life?! I LOVE IT! :-D


  1. #1 I thought you were announcing that you were pregnant and I screamed. Literally. Then I was like, 'oh weird. wait..." lol
    #2. I love that you're so passionate about going back to school.
    #3 Does this mean you notice the bad hair styles too? If so, please don't look at me. lol.

  2. hahaha! Sorry - I could see how that would sound like a pregnancy announcement. Whoops!

    And no - I don't notice bad hair...mostly, I think to myself 'Oh crap - you know you're gonna have to actually start doing your hair ALL THE TIME once you're in school, NIcole' ;-)
