Monday, February 14, 2011

Doing better...

Thank goodness! I've pulled up a bit since my previous post.

Though, a funny addition to that is that I was stressing SO much that I had a dream that I was smoking. I haven't smoked in forever. And the last time I DID smoke, I got SO sick that even thinking about smoking makes me feel ill. I was actually thinking in my dream 'I don't smoke...I am so stressed that I'm dream At least it's not making me feel sick!' Can anyone say *pathetic*? Yikes!

I left a message for the admissions guy at Paul Mitchell. Hopefully, I will hear back from him in the next few days. I think it will help me to have more information in general. It's the not knowing what to expect that is the hardest for me. It's also the putting myself out there to be evaluated with no feedback whatsoever. I need feedback...Patience is not one of my giftings, can you tell?! I was talking to Aaron and he said something about how I needed to be patient & that most people & places don't operate the way I do with communication. He then said 'you can be patient - you're a patient person.' which lead me to exclaim 'um, have you MET me? Patience is not one of my gifts.' To which he laughed and said that he was being sarcastic...we've been married for over 10 years...he's aware that patience is not on the list of things I'm good at. (Though he's no dumby because he then followed that up with something to the effect of 'you are good at a LOT of things, but patience just isn't one of them.' What a good husband - he will tell me the truth but also cushion it with something nice too.)

All of that to say - I'm having a much better attitude and things are looking up! Happy Monday! (oh yeah, Happy Valentines Day too....though I am one of those that thinks it's mostly a holiday for consumerism. I'm not really a crafter, so it's not an excuse to make crap at our house...I respect people that are & sometimes am envious of them too, but the plain truth is - that is just not me. And I'm okay with that. IMO - I shouldn't need a holiday to remind me to tell my people that I love them. And I, sure as heck, need to be told how loved I am more than once a year. SO, there you go. It's a nice enough day, but I don't really care that much.)

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