Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Who lives in your head?

This is who lives in mine:

Angela Chase from "My So Called Life"
The first show I watched as an adolescent that I REALLY related to! I started my hair dying journey of streaks and trying new things right along side her too. Contemplative, hard on herself, a little insecure at times, and feeling like she doesn't quite fit in the box.

Monica from 'Friends'
Cleaning & organization spaz with her secret messy closet. ;-) Hair-brained at times, clumsy & willing to look stupid/go out on a limb too (especially for her friends). And she cooks!

Dr. Phil & Oprah
I am usually the one to ask the question no one else wants to ask or address the elephant in the room. This can often result in 2 disorders - foot in mouth syndrome and verbal diarrhea. I tell it like it is, but I also love to encourage people at the same time, so at least there's that!

Lorelai Gilmore from "Gilmore Girls"
A mom that's just trying to do the best she can...with flair, a drink once in a while & (hopefully) a whole lot of fun! :-)

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