Monday, November 9, 2009

31 and stuff

I am officially 31. My mom came to visit me too, which was so fun! We drank tons of coffee, and gabbed 'til we could gab no longer. We shopped and shopped. We even went bra shopping and ended up buying the same one, just in different colors! Isn't that funny? I guess the apple doesn't fall far or something - HA! THEN, I found out that my mom suggested the same bra to my mother in law, and SHE ended up buying the same bra too! How funny! I went to tell my husband this funny fact, and he didn't seem to appreciate it's humor. Instead, he plugged his ears & yelled "GAH". I guess it was TMI. :-)

For the rest of the time my mom was here, she would smile & say 'sit up straight & boobs out. They look so good after all'. Hehehe. I just love my mom! She's hilarious!

So, I'm 31 - which I am indifferent about. Just another year. Isn't it funny how some years are a bigger deal than others?!

The count down to disneyland has begun though - less than a month to go! YAY! Now, if only we could get a big influx of cash. It'd be SO helpful! :-)

1 comment:

  1. That is really funny about the bras and ever so like a man to not appriate the humor ;0) I'm glad you had a good time with your mom. Is that where you get curls from? (you do have curls hidden somewhere right? :) )
