Monday, August 3, 2009

Wow, wow, wow

It has been WAY too long! It's summer & we have been busy.

Quick update stuff:

I took a major road trip with the kids to Iowa & MN for a visit with my family. It consists of 2 days of driving each way. It. was. a. lot! I was so happy to have fit it in, because I was able to see my family, and many of my great friends from way-back!

On the way there we almost ran out of gas in the middle of Wyoming at 11pm. SCARY! Thankfully, we avoided all of the deer along the way too...there are SO many! At one point, late at night, I turned on my brights & instantly saw 5 deer right on the side of the road by my car! I about had a heart attack! The more midwest you get, the more deer there are too (or so it seems). My mom was known as the 'deer hunter' with her car for a period of years. Seriously, she hit SO many deer! Thankfully, that gift was NOT passed down. Phew!

On the way home, I missed one of my very best friend's birth of her first baby. It was so sad. I was only 5 hours away too. I cried on & off for a few hours, then got over it since there was NOTHING I could do about it. I was kicking myself that I didn't drive all night, but then reality set in that it's better that we took our time & are still alive. :-)

The baby is beautiful! We went home to hug Aaron & then we all set off for the hospital!

We took a while to recover from our big trip, and have YET to clean out the car from it...yikes!

It's wonderful to be home, we all really missed Aaron, and I'm happy to report that he was a miserable mess while we were gone too ;-). Is it terrible that it makes me happy that he had such a hard time? Oh well. He did some fun things though, so don't feel too bad for him.

Aaron taught summer school this summer (hence the not coming with us part). We tried to remind him that he was doing it for Mickey! We are saving the money he made, and funding our Disneyland trip with it in December...yay!! Thankfully, he is done now, and we can do a few fun things in the area!

We all went to greenbluff to pick raspberries too! I then made tons of jam that is so super delicious! Love it!

My brother & his girlfriend came for a visit, which was fun! We enjoyed getting to know her and just spend time with them. We had some adventures along the way as well! We attempted to float down the river. I say attempted, because it was a LOT of work! The floating part was GREAT! It just took so darn long to get ready for the floating, that we ended up skipping a step (parking a car at the end destination). We thought that we could just float a bit & then make our way back to the starting point...easy, right?!

Wrong! We LOVED the floating part. We even bought an inflatable boat for the kids to be in! But between the current, the mossy (slippery) rocks, and not wearing shoes...we were kind of screwed. We tried to walk back on the dry rocks on the sides of the river, but they were BLAZING hot & we burned our feet! I finally ended up pulling the kids in the boat back up to the starting point along the edge of the river...grabbing rocks & pulling us up, finding another rock & pulling us up. Between the current & trying to find the right kind of rocks, it was a bit of an adventure! An hour or so later, I finally made it back, but BOY were my arms & shoulders tired! No workout required after THAT! We DO want to try it again, but the 2 tips I have learned are: wear shoes (not flip flops), and have a car at both the beginning & the end points! It would have been heavenly if we'd have done that! Really!!

Anyways, wow...I'm tired just thinking about all of that, but I'm back, and will hopefully be a little more consistent in the blogging now :-)

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