Friday, June 5, 2009

Dear Period & stuff

Oh how I hate that you add an extra 5 (or more) lbs to the scale when you come around. How I want to eat chocolate morning, noon & night, and how I feel like a crazy person in regards to my kids & husband. Thank you for leaving & taking that extra weight with you. 

I was feeling like such a failure in the workout department, because I wasn't loosing any weight in the last 2 weeks, but alas it was my period (the pre, during & post) weight. Now, after all of that has left - I am 3 lbs lighter than I was before all of the monthly junk...yay! That means I have lost 33lbs & I am feeling good! It's really not just about the weight, it's about feeling good (& feeling good about me in my own skin)...and the working out makes me feel good, so that's the point. I will keep going to the exercise class once a week at our gym - even though I think the gal is trying to kill me. ;-) I will where sleeveless shirts - even though I have the mother of all arm flab, because at a certain point I am who I am, I am doing the best I can & I am tired of feeling insecure. I even bought this super cute summer dress that is sleeveless & I will be wearing it this summer! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay Nicole! It is important to feel good. I am trying to feel good even though the lady at Home Depot asked me if I was having twins. I wanted to say, "no, I just had weight issues before getting pregnant so now I am twice as fat, but thanks for asking." ;)
