Monday, March 16, 2009


I feel like I could throw up right now...not because I have caught some sickness that is going around. I ate too much cake this whole weekend & this morning.

Sunday morning I let my kids eat a piece of cake right after breakfast. We then continued to eat cake on & off all day long. Damn those Costco cakes - they are super good & friggin' huge. Half of the cake was eaten at the party, but the other half has been eaten by our family alone...ugh! Today I decided to throw the rest away (which in the end wasn't very much at all, because we all ate cake like it was oxygen). I woke up to see that the 2 youngest had eaten all of the frosting off of the top of the remaining cake in the wee hours of the morning. I then took one last bite, folded the cake in on itself with the box & threw it away. Sadly, I reevaluated that decision about a half an hour later & pulled it out of the garbage to eat a few more bites. Only to find that the chocolate cake part had separated from the last bits of frosting, so I ate my favorite part - the cake...only to then stop to realize that I had eated about 2 larger sized pieces of cake out of the garbage. I am disgusted with myself & now am so gorged with cake that I feel like I could throw up. Ugh! What the hell happened to me? In my defense - the garbage was not the typical gross garbage & the cake was all wrapped up & on the very top...but still. I am totally disgusted with myself and my stomach hurts. Serves me right...I am SO going to the gym tonight. 


  1. Ha! Oh Nicole, I agree, Costco cakes are sin. What I did with mine was what my grandma used to do, is put slices in a bag in the freezer (the appropriate amount for our family - in separate bags) Then you can enjoy dessert yumminess later and rid the immidiate vincitiy of the danger of costco cake. Although this probably only works for us because our extra freezer is in the basement and I am too lazy to go and steal a piece, if it were upstairs, I would probably just sneak frozen cake from the freezer, instead of garbage ;)

  2. Ooo...good tip! I'll have to try it next time.
