Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I am filling out kindergarten registration forms for my youngest son right now. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone. How is my baby going to kindergarten next year? I mean, I am thrilled! And I am ready for the next step of life, but at the very same time - I can't believe that we are already here.

This year has been a big one of transition for me (& us). We have left behind the days of unending play dates. You know, the kind that you can schedule and stay there all day if you feel like it. Yeah, we've had 1 of those this entire year. That used to be a pretty normal occurrence for us, and we've had one. It's sad really. Facebook has recently been a reminder to me, of how very NOT there we are anymore either. We're in the next phase - the 'we are on a schedule life'. Oh sure, we can do play dates still, but only between certain times or on certain days. (which ends up equalling maybe 1 a month...if that! Of course the weather & sickness don't help that one either.) All of my kids are in school, but at different times. Then you add in soccer, ballet, baseball/basketball, etc. Plus, we are also entering the land of big kid dental work - expanders, etc...oh my! I was in the dentist's office 6 times in 6 weeks. 6 times...dear lord! And that was just for my 3 kids.

I'm not complaining...I've actually finally made peace with it (most of the time). ;-)

But it's still sad to think of all the play dates that are happening without us. This summer will just be more of that for me too, of course, with me going to cosmetology school full time. I am thrilled for it though. So, even though I know it will be hard to miss out on so much, I think it will be really fun too! Plus, I am just determining to still do things in the evenings & on my days off. I already told people that Mondays will be my designated play date day (and hopefully swim day most of the time...thank you Noreen!).

It's just amazing to me the difference that a year can make. Lots of changes...

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