Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The truth about THIS Stay at Home Mom

1. Nap time is mostly for my benefit. When they were babies, it was for both of us, and my kids will still occasionally have super crabby days where they NEED a nap, but for the most part - it's for my benefit now. Of course, nap time is usually just a quiet time now. Call it what you want - it's really for my sake.

2. I wear some version of sweat pants or lounge pants almost every day. I know that I shouldn't, but I do.

3. I will wait to pick up my house(with the exception of small tidying) until just before my husband comes home. Oh sure, it will seem like it took me all day, but most often I only spent 15 or 20 minutes on it.

4. I have the luxury of working out when my kids are at preschool. Let me restate this in a more accurate fashion: I force myself to workout when they are at preschool. Yep, I've become that mom. Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not some pampered pooch with perfect nails, bod, hair & makeup (as you all know). I'm just the red faced mom in sweats picking up her kids from preschool. Most of the time I want to say "I was just working out. I DO own other clothes, people. I swear! And I do my hair sometimes too..." Ugh! So much for caring what other people think, right?!

5. There are more, but I'm drawing a blank...maybe next time...

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