Thursday, April 8, 2010

Just thinking...

I gotta get my creative juices flowing! I finally bought more darkroom chemicals, which is a step in the right direction. Now I just need to set aside 2 or 3 hours to actually CREATE! I have another "session" scheduled this Saturday, so I might wait till I get those films back. I use quotes because I feel stupid calling them sessions. It makes me feel like a 'wanna be' or something. I'm sure that's sort of stupid, but I have enough friends/acquaintances that are doing photography (or attempting to) for a job that I think about these things. I don't really want to talk about photography too much or anything in a public setting because I don't want to be seen as if I wanna be like so & so. The truth is that I've been into photography since High School. I took my first photography darkroom class as a junior in HS & have loved it ever since then. I probably just need to stop caring what people think.


  1. the only way to become something is to want to be come something :) in my opinion. You have talent lady, and I agree with you - you shouldn't care what other people think about it. :)

  2. Okay, at the risk of sounding redundant, ditto. I know what you mean though. I so know what you mean. In many areas. I don't want to go buy fancy running shoes, because then people will think I'm trying to be a real runner :) I don't say that I like to write, because people will think I'm trying to be a "writer". Those are just little things, but I think it's a struggle sometimes to be who you really are. Just go for it. Who cares what anyone else thinks? (says the lady who has to repeat this mantra to herself regularly) :)

    I also found 2 profound quotes for us ;) :
    It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e.e. cummings
    Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss

  3. You are all right! :-D

    Thanks! I need to keep reading those quotes over & over too E! :-) Glad to know I'm not alone in those feelings.
