Friday, June 10, 2011

I must be stressed...

either that, or I have leprosy, skin cancer or the chicken pox. Given my choices, I'm really pulling for stress + that time of the month.

Usually, when aunt flo comes for a visit I will get a few zits on my face - maybe the occasional one on my chest. However, I woke up the other day to discover a friggin' outbreak. In all seriousness, it totally freaked me out. I mean look at this:

I was kind of freaking out - was this some kind of allergic reaction? What the hell? I instantly went to the computer to look it up.

Well, of course it mentions stress right away, especially when coupled with your period, etc. Then it talks about sweat glands & exercise adding to it as well. So, I went back into the bathroom to take off my shirt to look more closely. Guess what I discovered? The crazy acne patches follow the same basic shape of my sports bra.

Oops, I guess I did fall asleep in it the other night after getting all sweaty from working out. I'm not gonna lie - I have done that on occasion before & this has NEVER happened. BUT I'm thinking it must have been that perfect storm of combos. Sweat+PMS+stress = a major breakout. Or leprosy...the jury's still out on that one, if I'm being completely transparent.

*Fingers crossed* that it goes away quickly - I'm too old for this crap. Aren't I?

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