The part when Rapunzel comes out of the tower for the first time and keeps flip flopping between it being the BEST DAY EVER and feeling like a despicable human being ALWAYS makes me laugh! Mostly, because it is SUCH a picture of me and my over active conscience.
Then in other areas (like exercise) - I just have nothing in me to be extreme. Of course, I still feel the pressure (the inner flip flopping) to be extreme or to not give a friggin' rip. But over the last couple of years, I've really been trying to find a middle ground. I am not one of those people that want to be so extreme in exercise or diet that I can't go out to eat or do things. Yet, I want to be healthy FOR ME. I don't want to be held back from doing things because of my body either or because I get so caught up in being self conscience that I am not fully present or in the moment to enjoy whatever it is that I am doing. Does that make any sense?
SO, even though I am not one of those people that want to 'buffet their bodies' for buffeting sake. It also doesn't negate me from needing to be active & healthy either. So, here I am trying to find a middle ground & stay there.
So, just over two years ago now my husband and I began a journey of making some lifestyle changes...incorporating exercise & healthy eating habits into our life...FOR LIFE!! And we both lost a good amount of weight that first year. This second (plus) year has been about keeping it off & maintaining that healthy lifestyle. So, now, we are healthy & strong...yet we are still pretty average sized people - if not on the larger side. I will never be a size 6. Never have been - never will be. But I am an active & pretty dang fit size 12/14. I would like to tone down to a consistent 12. Let's get real too - I have some lovely sagging skin in some places too, but hey - better to be healthier with some saggy arms than fatter and unhealthy, right?! Most days I am good with all of that, but dang if it's not hard to keep that truth & confidence in just being ME, sometimes. Whoosh!
Unfortunately, the last 15 pounds I lost have crept their way back to me over the winter. I am trying to get back to a bit more consistency in my food & exercise. It's a little depressing and I am trying not to let that feeling sink me into feeling like it's impossible. It's challenging to say the least.
So, here I sit - trying desperately to be okay with somewhere in the okay with my body being somewhere in the middle and to be okay with being fit and healthy, but not a freak about it either. Gah! Off to the gym I go...just to mark it off the list of things to do today. :-)